Programm Vets with Horsepower


TAG 1 – Donnerstag, den 06. Juni 2024

VETs with HORSEPOWER # 12  –  Europe from A-Z

Häufige Probleme in der Pferdepraxis / Common problems in Equine Practice (Vortragssprache: Englisch)

15.00 – 15.30                    Registrierung und Begrüßung

15.30 – 16.00                    Pastern Dermatitis  –  Derek Knottenbelt

16.00 – 16.30                    Emergency fracture stabilisation – how to keep everyone calm  –  Andy Crawford

16.30 – 17.00                    FLASH scanning the equine abdomen  –  John Burford

17.00 – 17.30                    Analgesia of the colic case  –  David Bardell

17.30 – 18.00                    Pause

18.00 – 18.30                    Diagnosis of EMS and PPID in practice  –  Jenny Croft

18.30 – 19.00                    Evidence Based Acupuncture & Electroacupuncture  –  Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz

19.00 – 19.30                    Equine degenerative neurological diseases  –  Caroline Hahn

19.30 – 20.00                    Update on equine melanomas  –  Jessica Kidd


TAG 2 – Freitag, den 07. Juni 2024


Vormittagsvorträge (Vortragssprache: Englisch)

08.30 – 09.00     Registrierung und Begrüßung

09.00 – 09.30     Objective gait analysis: how it can help routine lameness examinations in practice  –  Roger Smith

09.30 – 10.00     The equine stifle  –  Jessica Kidd

10.00 -10.30       Personalising the rehabilitation of tendon and ligament injuries  –  Roger Smith

10.30 – 11.00     Kaffeepause

11.00 – 11.30     Myofascial pain and its relevance in sports horses  –  Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz

11.30 – 12.00     Myocarditis: essentials for diagnosis and treatment  –  Gunther van Loon

12.00 – 12.30     A cardia arrhythmia in my horse: what now Doc?  –  Gunther van Loon

12.30 – 13.30     Mittagspause / Verabschiedung der Vets with Horsepower

Nachmittagsvorträge (Vortragssprache: Deutsch)

13.30 – 13.50     Halswirbelsäulen und Rückenerkrankungen beim Dressur- und Springpferd  –  Anja Kasparek

13.50 – 14.10     Muskelerkrankungen beim Sportpferd – Was ist zu beachten?  –  Rosa Barsnick

14.10 – 14.30     GGT und Overtraining?  –  Svenja Möller

14.30 – 14.50     Larynx Dysplasie  –  Bianca C. Schwarz

14.50 – 15.10     Overground Endoskopie  –  Aleksandar Vidović

15.10 – 15.40     Kaffeepause

15.40 – 16.00     Management chronischer Lungenerkrankungen (Asthma, EIPH) beim Sportpferd  –  Heike Kühn

16.00 – 16.20     Allergien und Hypersensitivitätserkrankungen beim Sportpferd  –  Katja Shell

16.20 – 16.40     Management von Magenerkrankungen beim Sportpferd  –  Rosa Barsnick

16.40 – 17.00     Social License und der Pferdesport  –  Franziska Aumer


Prof Derek C. Knottenbelt

Prof Derek C. Knottenbelt


Director – Equine Medical Solutions

PROFESSOR EMERITUS (University of Liverpool – Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital)

Founder Vets with Horsepower

Derek is our chief, founder and driving (riding) force behind the project. He lectures on any internal medicine related topic, and makes sure everyone knows exactly what our charities and sponsors do to improve lives around the world!

Dr Jessica A. Kidd

Dr Jessica A. Kidd


Consultant Equine Surgeon

Jessica has been a part of HP from the start, always making sure we have what we need and doing much of the behind-the-scenes work. She lectures on topics related to equine surgery, orthopaedics, foals, melanomas and imaging.

Prof Roger Smith

Prof Roger Smith


Royal Vet College London

PRESIDENT of the British Equine Veterinary Association

Roger is a long-standing supporter of Vets with Horsepower, joining the tour whenever he can and adding a great team vibe alongside his extensive knowledge on orthopaedic subjects.

Prof David Bardell

Prof David Bardell


Head of Veterinary Anaesthesia Equine Clinical Science – University of Liverpool

David is a longstanding member of the Horsepower team. Frequently found barefoot, he is a stalwart of the trips and known for his engaging lecture style. He has now change his bike to a Triumph touring bike, and lectures on anaesthesia and analgesia-related topics.

Prof John Burford

Prof John Burford

MA, VetMB, CertVA, CertES(Soft Tissue), PhD, SFHEA, FRCVS

DirectProfessor of Equine Surgery – The University of Nottinghamor – Equine Medical Solutions

John prefers riding his bikes on dirt tracks, but joins us on asphalt to help the HP project. He lectures mostly on soft tissue surgery topics, but also can provide great insights in epidemiology and reading blood results

Dr Andy L. Crawford

Dr Andy L. Crawford

BVetMed, Cert ES (Orth,) DipECVS, MRCVS

Clinical Director  – Sussex Equine Hospital

Andy was part of several earlier tours and we are delighted to have him back. Andy is known for not only producing excellent lectures but for being the life and soul of the party. He will lecture on advanced imaging and arthroscopy.

Dr Jenny Croft

Dr Jenny Croft


Clinical Director – Loch Leven Equine Practice

Jenny has been a big part of VwHP with boundless energy, and a wealth of experience in equine first opinion practice.  We’re excited to see her back on her bike with us this year!

Dr Caroline Hahn

Dr Caroline Hahn


Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Neurosciences – The University of Edinburgh

Caroline is a board-certified neurologist with a special interest in equine cases. She has so far biked each and every mile the VwHP time has ridden!

Prof Gunther van Loon

Prof Gunther van Loon

DVM, PhD, DipECEIM, Assoc. Member ECVDI

Head of the Equine Cardioteam, Head of the Department of Large Animal Internal Medicine – Ghent University Belgium

Gunther van Loon is a specialist in Equine Cardiology, Associate Member ECVDI and the  Past-President of the Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS)

Dr Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz

Dr Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz

DVM, BSc, MRCVS - Certified Vet Acupuncturist (IVAS)

CEO – To the Point Accupuncture

Past President – The Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists

We would not be surprised if Dietrich has a glass of petrol for breakfast each morning. Motorbikes are his usual form of transport as he visits equine yards for acupuncture sessions. His lecture topics cover myofascial pain and acupuncture topics.

Dr Rosa Barsnick

Dr Rosa Barsnick

DVM, MSc, Fachtierärztin für Pferde und Innere Medizin für Pferde, DipACVIM LA, DipECEIM

Dr Anja Kasparek

Dr Anja Kasparek

DVM, Fachtierärztin für Pferdechirurgie, Fachtierärztin für Pferde, AVMA/ECFVG Zertifizierung BCSE

Dr Svenja Möller

Dr Svenja Möller


Dr Katja Shell

Dr Katja Shell

DVM, Fachtierärztin für Innere Medizin des Pferdes, DipACVIM LA, DipECVIM

Dr Aleksandar Vidović

Dr Aleksandar Vidović

DVM, Fachtierarzt für Pferdechirurgie, Fachtierarzt für Pferde